Retransmito a todos a mensagem que recebemos do simpático amigo Wolfgang Klinkert, do KG Clube IG Lippe na Alemanha, descrevendo sua participação nas comemorações dos 25 anos do também alemão, Clube de Suedhessen. Espero que gostem dos relatos e das fotos enviadas pelo Wolfgang!
Dear Brazilian Karmann Ghia friends,
During September 3-5, 2010 I participated in the celebrations of the “25th Aniversary of the Karmann Ghia Club Suedhessen” which took place in Klingenberg (close to Aschaffenburg) -- 200 kilometer away from my home and I needed only 2.5 hours to get there.
We started the program with a roundtable conversation on Friday evening in a comfortable restaurant with approximately 70 people.
On Saturday morning we combined 47 Karmann Ghia at the “Weingut Wengerter”, which was a very well chosen location.
Nine (!!) of the cars were typ 34, of which two (!!) were the extremely rare convertibles built by the famous coachbuilder-company “Lorenz”.
We started at 9:30 a.m. with a trip of about 150 kilometer around the lovely area. It was a touristic route and during the trip participants had to answer 17 different questions that were part of a quiz. Types os questions included: "What is the name of the monastry that you can see on the right side at km 14?", When was the castle seen on km 32 built?“ and so on.
Later in the evening, we had diner at 7:00 p.m. in the barn of a winery and a lot of fun until early morning, including a dance-show with fantastic music from the 50s.
After breakfest on Sunday morning, an awards ceremony took place to honor those with the highest scores in the quiz. After the last smalltalks I drove home at 1:00 p.m. This was again a very interesting event for me as I was able to meet new Karmann Ghia drivers from the local region and even one person from Denmark.
More photos and videos about this event can be found at: