Karmann Ghia Clube de Belo Horizonte, Brasil

Bem-vindo! Welcome! Willkommen! Velkommen! Bienvenido! Bemvenuto! Soyez le bienvenu! Kαλωσόρισμα! 歓迎!
E-mail: kgcbh@terra.com.br

sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2010

Links Interessantes

O site do Karmann Ghia IG Lippe, clube alemão de amantes do KG liderado pelo nosso amigo Klauss Morsch (foto) traz diversas informações interessantes sobre o carro, incluindo uma lista detalhada dos clubes de KG espalhados pelo mundo. Nosso KG Clube de Belo Horizonte já está lá!

3 comentários:

  1. Muito bom! Vamos trocar figurinhas 'bloguisticas'... o meu anda um pouco desatualizado, mas vou dar um 'up' nele para estarmos juntos. Grande abraço e sucesso.

    Visite o http://fuscologia.blogspot.com/

  2. Dear Levindo - one more time:
    Congratulations for starting the new club to honor the KG Clube of Belo Horizonte. http://kgcbh.blogspot.com

    I told my friend Antonio Pellegrino (President of Karmann Ghia Italia) about the new contact in Brazil. The KG Club Italia is the partner club of the KG Lippe and Antonio is the honorary member of the KG IG Lippe in NRW.

    Antonio wants to send You his kind greetings, and he was asking me to give him Your email address. And I do think You don't mind I give him Your email-address now at this time. The webside of our Italian friends: http://www.karmannghia.it/

    So my friends - I wish You both a nice day today.

    Yours Klaus.

  3. Levindo

    Thanks for your information! I will add the KG Clube de Belo Horizonte to our list today at the karmann Ghia Connection.

    You may also be interested in our current voyage - a driving from Canada to Brazil in a 1971 VW Combi. More details here: www.BodesWell.com

    We would love to get connected to the VW community in South America as we currently have no contacts or specific plans for that part of our trip. Please let us know if you are able to help!

    Jason Rehm
    The Karmann Ghia Connection
